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Blum Pocket Doors


Explore the world of Blum pocket doors with REVEGO, the ultimate solution in space-saving and sleek design. Blum's innovative pocket door system redefines the way we think about functionality and style in modern interiors. REVEGO's intuitive design allows for the effortless concealment and reveal of furniture or entire living spaces, offering a new level of design flexibility and ease of assembly.

In the realm of urban living, where open-plan designs are increasingly favour, combining kitchen, dining, and workspace into a cohesive area, the Blum pocket door system stands out. The compact and smart design of REVEGO by Blum is essential for making the most out of every square inch, providing the ability to easily transition between spacious open areas and more private, intimate settings. This adaptability makes REVEGO ideal for both expansive and cosy interiors alike.

What sets the Blum pocket door system apart is its ease of use, featuring Blum's cutting-edge TIP-ON motion technology. A simple touch activates the system, allowing doors to smoothly glide into their pockets, making spaces like kitchens and home offices instantly accessible. Closing these areas is just as straightforward, maintaining a minimalist and orderly appearance when not in use.

The brilliance of REVEGO lies in its simplicity and functionality, tailored for both single and double door configurations. With standard pocket sizes that effortlessly integrate into any design plan, REVEGO offers versatility across various door dimensions. The Blum pocket door system's pre-assembly ensures a straightforward installation process, making it a simple to set up in just a few steps.